(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Suggestions : (Category) Bugs :
buglet in authenticate.pm line 145
Version is 2.711.

The following warning message appears in the log when users are checked for membership of a group:

 Perl warning: Argument "6 Goodguys" isn't numeric in gt
                             [...]  authenticate.pm line 145
Line 145 is in fact
        $rt .= " checked" if ($params->{'_reason'} > 3);
but in this case '_reason' has the name of the group, as well as the number, in it.
A dozen lines earlier, the code goes
        $params->{'_reason'} =~ m/^(\d+)/;
        if ($1 <= 3) {
and in fact $1 is still valid, although relying on it remaining undisturbed against possible future code changes might be considered a bit hairy. Could just repeat the match to be safe.

Curious, the very same bug was said to have been fixed in 2.632 and yet here it is again in 2.711.

version 2.711 also shows a similar error symptom in submitMove.pm line 105.

Sorry, haven't had time to check if this happens in the latest version, so this is just a place-holder report.

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