(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) In Development : (Category) A place to put contributed docs + headers :
Header with a "quick search" box
This is just a simple top-row banner stripe which you can paste in. The one I set up for our internal Faqomatic has a logo and a quick-search, then the table encloses the rest of the page down to the footer.

I ripped the search HTML out of the [Search] page for 2.711, so it might break one day.

  (Download) quicksearch.fom-hdr.html (0.9 K)
  (Download) quicksearch.fom-ftr.html (95 bytes)
Just save the files in your faqomatic/meta directory as fom-hdr.html and fom-ftr.html, then edit them to point to your local stuff.
One annoying thing about these search operations is, they wipe your current auth or appearance information. Never mind, eh?

Another use for this is in the local faqomatic description/manual, I have a search box pointing at this Faqomatic-faqomatic. You'll need the "unformatted HTML" option of course.

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This document is: http://www.jonh.net/cgi-bin/faqomatic/fom?file=1366
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