(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Troubleshoot :
Submit Part is creating a problem
Please see (Xref) (missing or broken file). I am getting lots of errors from this submission. I am using FOM 2.711 and CGI 2.77.
Also can you suggest how to remove the answer from the trash? Does it happen automatically via cron job?
If you look inside the file, you'll see that the "Lines:" field shows a number slightly less than the actual number. Unfortunately, the number has to be exact or else all hell breaks loose. This means that something went wrong somewhere during "Lines:" computation during part submission.
The problem is caused by RCS keyword expansion during checkout. The keyword $LOG$ (actually LOG spelt as Log) can be expanded to multiple lines. That causes the problem. A fix? That's rather simple.
1. Do not use "ci -l ...". Use "ci".
2. Since checkout is not automatic, figure out "co" path from "ci" path.
3. Use "co -l -ko".
The patch shall be posted next.
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