Subject: Re: call-gettext correction
From: "Andrew W. Nosenko" awnATbcsDOTzpDOTua
To: Funk Gabor funkDOTgaborAThunetkftDOThu
Date: Sun, December 8, 2002 6:30 pm
Funk Gabor wrote:
: >>Don't worry about wrapped msgid and msgstr -- this
: >>situation is handled by `po2pm' correctly.
: I see. But I partially modified an old "fr" language module,
: and now I have an updated english one. I started merging
: them, and sort out the unique [new] and the equal [already
: translated] strings, but for this I pretty much need "one string
: in one line". I'm not yet arrived to po2pm phase.
: Any suggestion how to automate the above?
:, and
are have format:
msgstr "..."
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
msgid "..."
Therefore we can ( is used as example):
1. cut off header and footer and write msgid/msgstr pairs part into some
file (fr_tmp.po, for example)
2. Check and reformat result:
xgettext -L PO --strict -E -o fr.po fr_tmp.po
`-E' (aka `--escape') is needed for prevent the non-US-ASCII symbols
3. Some amount of fatal errors will be produced at step #2 (19 for
Language_fr) because
3.1 string
msgtr "Votre navigateur ou cache web a tronqu\351 votre envoi."
is not valid (should be `msgstr', not `msgtr')
3.2 strings like
msgid "Changed the item title, was "%0""
are not valid because `"' character should be quoted:
msgid "Changed the item title, was \"%0\""
3.3 duplicate msgid exist
msgid "Rebuild the cache and dependency files"
You need to correct these errors and repeat step #2
4. Replace in the header of resulting <LANG>.po (fr.po for this example)
`charset=CHARSET' to appropriate value (`charset=iso-8859-15' if I
not mistaken).
5. Move this file into <faqomatic-src-dir>/po/ if this not done already
6. Synchronize with current message strings by `make <LANG>.pox':
make fr.pox
7. Edit .pox file as need
8. Rename .pox into .po, produce new Language_<LANG>.pm and move it into
right place
mv fr.pox fr.po
po2pm fr.po
mv ../lib/FAQ/OMatic/
Andrew W. Nosenko (awnATbcsDOTzpDOTua) |