(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Customize :
Two hostnames for the same FAQ-O-MATIC
I would like to access FAQ-O-MATIC in this way:
1- FAQ-O-MATIC running on intranet_hostname, PORT 80 2- FAQ-O-MATIC running on intranet_hostname, PORT 8080 3- From Internet using internet_hostname, PORT 8080, with a firewall
   doing NAT internet_hostname -> intranet_hostname
Because hostname is written on every HTML page in the cache dir, this didn't work.
There is any hint ? May I configure FAQ-O-MATIC to suppress adding hostname and port into the HTML pages ?
Best Regards
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Previous: (Answer) Migration of existing FAQ to FOM
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