(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Suggestions : (Category) Authentication :
Authentication integrated with web server
As I mentioned while flailing around in the playground: It'd be nice to see some sort of support for authentication handled by the web server -- ie it just honors REMOTE_USER. Then people could do dbm_auth with apache, or (like me) do mod_auth_pam.

Am I missing something obvious?


I'd also like to see this sort of solution for authentication. I'd like to hide the F-O-M in a private directory, but not insist that users log in twice. Maybe writing a little alternate authentication module is a possibility.
If anyone else would be interested in this sort of project, I'd like to talk to you -- if I'm going to consider writing a patch, it should be one that everyone can use. =)
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