(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) In Development :
Display last-updated marks on recently modified items.
I've create a couple quick patches to make FOM display a little icon and the age of items that have been modified within the last week. This greatly helps in allowing users to identify which things have been updated.

You can grab the patches from: http://www.distributed.net/~bovine/last-updated-date.diff

You can also check out this patch in action at (you may have to dig down to find something that's been modified recently, if nothing on the top level has been modified): http://www.distributed.net/faq/

After you've applied the patch, you'll need to be sure to use "Install system images and icon" option in the install menu to force FOM to regenerate the bag directory so that you receive the new "updated" image.

Just a quick patch to make the above patch display hours minutes & seconds, not a big deal just a request from our users I thought someone else might be able to use.

--- OMatic.pm   Thu Jan 16 20:29:48 2003
+++ OMatic.pm.orig      Wed Nov 20 23:25:44 2002
@@ -447,27 +447,6 @@
                                        'border=0', $item->isCategory(), $params)
-       my $lastmodified = $item->{'LastModifiedSecs'} || undef;
-       if ($which eq '-small' and defined $lastmodified) {
-           my $sec = time() - $lastmodified;
-           if ($sec < 7*24*3600) {    # one week
-               #my $days = printf '%.0f', int($timediff / (24*3600));
-               #$days = ($days*60);
-               #$days = 0 if ($days < 0);
-               my $hrs = $sec / 3600 and $sec %= 3600;
-               my $min = $sec / 60 and $sec %= 60;
-               my $days = $hrs / 24 and $hrs %= 24;
-               $title .= FAQ::OMatic::ImageRef::getImageRef
-                   ('updated', 'border=0', $params);
-               #$title .= "($days days: $hrs hours: $min minutes ago )";
-               if( $days >= 1 ) { 
-                       $title .= sprintf "%d+%d:%02d:%02d ago\n", $days, $hrs, $min, $sec; 
-               } else { 
-                       $title .= sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d ago\n", $hrs, $min, $sec; }
-           }
-       }
        return (makeAref('-command'=>'faq',
oh yeah, or you can just wget http://cannonfodder.org/OMatic.pm.diff
I Update this patch.
Please see

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