(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Customize : (Category) How can I distribute copies of my FAQ? :
Copying the FAQ as individual HTML files
For large FAQs, the previous technique ((Xref) Dumping the FAQ as one big HTML file) generates a file that's too large to use conveniently in a web broswer. An attractive alternative is to distribute the contents of your serve/cache/ and serve/bags/ directories verbatim. Links between items in the cache are relative, and links from items to bags are relative, so the files will work just fine if displayed from a local disk. Search, appearance, and editing links still point to the original CGI on the web.

This technique is nice if you use your FAQ-O-Matic to document a software package. You can include a snapshot of your serve/{cache,bags} directories in your software distribution, giving users a local copy of the documentation, and freezing the documentation as it applies to a given version of your software.

I tried just copying the files from the fom-serve directory, but it seems that in the cache directory there are html files with hardcoded paths. I ran a perl one-liner to change the url, it is very powerful. perl -pi -e s/OldText/NewText/g `find . -name "*.html"`
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