(Category) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Customize :
Permissions and Groups
These example scenarios help explain how the permissions system in Faq-O-Matic works.

(Answer) The whole Internet can read and contribute.
Useful for public FAQs like the Linux-on-PowerPC Faq-O-Matic.

(Answer) The whole Internet can read, but only I can contribute.
Useful for maintaining searchable documentation, like this site.

(Answer) The whole Internet can read, but only a certain list can post.
(Answer) The whole Internet can read, but only those in my domain can post.
Useful for help-desk applications.

(Answer) Only users in my domain can read it.
Useful for when the information shouldn't leave your company or department.

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