(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Administrators' Guide : (Category) Troubleshoot :
HTTP -> HTTPS Proxy server
FOM Defaults to creating the links from the ENV hash ( server environment vars ) the problem is at my installation we have various servers with apache running http, these feed content branches to two round robin/load ballanced https proxy servers that feed everything up as high bit encrypted https (Corp Intranet).
The http apache installs won't let any IPs access the web trees on them save the https proxy box ips. So this boils down to the forms all being sent to the wrong boxes with the wrong protocol. I need to set the url prefix as https://proxy vs what the script may be running on.
The URL Prefix is set in OMatic.pm

In sub hostAndPath the query URL is split out into $urlRoot and $urlPath.  Comment out this line and set these manualy:

#       my ($urlRoot,$urlPath) = $cgiUrl =~ m#^(https?://[^/]+)(/.*)$#;
        my $urlRoot = "https://<proxyhostname>"; 
        my $urlPath = "/<cgi path>/fom";

I'm also not sure why these arn't loaded from the $ENV hash directly vs usign this regexp to do it.  Could have been broken server work around.
Also this is only needed until the script can go into config mode and set these in 
::Config:: perhaps a make tag could sead these values so new installs can start witout
editing the .pm's
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